On the 14th of October the high mass lead by the local Ordinary mentioned the end of synodal meetings (mikesha).

It was the day when all, prisets, all religious in the diocese as will as members appointed for the Synodal journey were invited to participate. There was all the precense of Arch.Bishop Paul Ruzoka from Tabora Diocese (The Father of the Sinod).

During his preaching the Local Ordinary annonced the end of meetings/ mikesha and the beginning of a new era; that is to say the time of living the Synod decisions and declarations as stipulated in the book to be blessed and inaugurated. He added to urge Christfaithful to love and work peacefully with their priests knowing that there is no one who is an angel.







After the prayer of mass conclusion there was the excercise of blessing and inaugurating Soynodal books. Aftare such excersise the books as well as certificates wre distributed staring with the local Ordinary Bishop Rogath Kimaryo CSSp, Arch. Bishop Paul Ruzoka of Tabora Arch Diocese, Bishop Jacob Koda (Same Emeritus Bishop), Priests, Religious as well as Lat leaders concerned.

After the celebration all were invited, urged and sent to start a new way of living with regard to the Synod urges and declarations.

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